Friday, July 20, 2012

1,000 fan giveaway!

I'm posting this a little late I guess, but here you go! I was having trouble navigating blogger for a bit, but I'm on track now. Anyway, I've reached OVER 1,000 Facebook fans and am doing a big giveaway. Here's what's up for grabs:

1 nursing cover: let me know which one you like! Enter HERE

1 OS pocket diaper: again, let me know which one you like!  Enter HERE

1 Medium Wetbag from Nettie's Hands!  Enter HERE

1 Small Wetbag- choose red or green. These are not in stock, so don't get confused if you can't find them in my store. :)  Enter HERE

1 full-size diaper balm from Tree of Life!  Enter HERE

1 full-size pack of Pixie Pieces wipes bits from Tree of Life!  Enter HERE

Leave all your comments here, unless you've already left a comment on my Facebook page.
Thanks for being a fan, and thanks for stopping by!

I have decided, in honor of the giveaway, to also have a discount code for my online store! Here it is, for 10% off: 1000FAN  You can use the code til Monday, July 23rd, at midnight eastern, so if you don't win, you still...


  1. For the OS giveaway- I really like the Retro Owls fitted and the purple flames diapers!

  2. I love the pond life and Blue Butterfly Nursing Covers

  3. I like the blue butterfly and paint splash nursing covers the best

  4. I like the Koi fish diaper the best, second choice would be orange and black paint splatter!

  5. Green wet bag

  6. I like the pink and purple distressed diaper.

  7. ripped demin and pink and purple distressed

  8. I like the green one

  9. My favorite nursing covers are the peacock and blue butterfly

  10. My favorite os are the orange/black splatter and the retro owls

  11. I'd choose green wetbag

  12. My 2 fav nursing covers are: White Flowery & Peacock; 2 Fav 1 size Pocket: Ripped Denim & Fore Dye; I prefer a red small wet bag;

  13. Fav nursing cover - Paint Splatter
    Fav one size - Orange & paint splatter.
    Wet bag - Green

  14. I would love the galaxy OS or mystery print!

  15. I like the CHristmas Elephants and the Red Patriotic Stars OS diapers the best :)

  16. I like Mystery...and red wetbag!

  17. turkish garden, paint splash; os boy elephant or black and orange paint splatter; green
