I have a Hyenacart store now where I can sell Clean B Detergent, if you're looking for some. I am selling dryer balls there too. The dryer balls are $5 each for a limited time. They are made differently from other balls out there- I knit a ball and put a ball of wool yarn inside it. That way it will never unravel and won't leave extra lint in your laundry. A set of 6 will save about 10 minutes on every 60 minutes of dry time.
I am going to make some changes in a few of my diapers, too. I've thrown trainers out the window because I am having so much trouble with them. Sorry.
Coming soon, bamboo pocket fitted diapers, great for overnight! And higher rise diapers with less snaps, for chunky babies with big thighs (or for bigger toddlers). Also, newborn AIO diapers with an umbilical notch and thigh snaps for those skinny little newborn legs. And sized pocket diapers:small, medium and large.
Keep checking my Facebook page and stores (Etsy and Hyenacart) for more news, since I keep forgetting to update this blog. :)